(IM)PROVE IT! - Practical Guide to Impact Measurement
Practical Guide to Impact Measurement
Within the project, we developed an electronic guide called “(Im)Prove it!” that gives practical and easy-to-comprehend advice on how to measure and communicate the results and impact of workcamps and other mobility activities.
The publication comes along with handy attachments – real, scientifically-backed sample impact surveys, and examples of community impact interviews.
The authors of the Guide are Francesco Volpini and Gośka Tur.
Explore the attachments to the Practical Guide!
The below attachments complement the Practical Guide and they present scientifically-backed sample impact surveys and examples of community impact interviews – all from real life of International Voluntary Service organisations!
- Survey example – before international mobility (from the “IVS for Climate Justice” project by CCIVS)
- Survey example – after international mobility (source as above)
- Impact measurement survey – view from the backend – the document shows the survey logic and the division into a few parts: individual and programme variables, general competences and skills, and thematic understanding, knowledge and skills
- Impact interview sample – interview with a camp leader in Uganda, Africa
- Impact interview sample – interview with a local family in Costa Rica, South America
- Impact interview sample – focus group interview in South Korea, Asia
- Impact interview sample – interview with a local authority in France, Europe
You can contact Gośka Tur, the guide co-author, at learning@poland.sci.ngo.
The donor
The publication creation was co-funded by the European Union. We are very thankful for making our idea possible to realise thanks to this support!
Project number 2021-1-PL01-KA153-YOU-000035713