Stop. Reflect. Do Better!

The idea

With the Stop. Reflect. Do Better project we invited you to stop for a moment, and dedicate time to your capacity and well-being as youth workers, coordinators, managers, educators, and peace activists! 


The overall project aim was to:

  • support the well-being of professionals, youth workers, coordinators, and peace activists,
  • build further their competences and capacities of the organisations in providing quality voluntary and educational activities for young people.

Why did we do it?

  • our lives as peace activists and youth workers are full of tasks and the to-do list is never-ending, with piles of unexpected challenges or complications,
  • we know that moments of rest and reflection are needed but they often seem to be an unrealistic luxury,
  • as organisations, we needed to find a new way to effectively and positively deal with the new reality and to support the well-being and flourishing of our teams,
  • we wanted to find our own balance in order to be always capable of providing quality youth work to help and support young people.

The activities

During our project, we:

  • learnt and applied good mechanisms of taking care of the mental health and well-being of our youth workers,
  • built further their competences in working with volunteers, young people, and local communities in times of constant change.

The project had 8 main components:

1. Set-up phase (9.2023-1.2024)

2. Training Course: “Empowering Youth Workers: Building Resilience and Managing Stress” (22-29.02.2024)
International training course with 33 participants from 10 countries which took place in Poznań, Poland. Key aspects: well-being, happiness, how to deal with stress, mindfulness, and a survival kit for VUCA times.

3. Webinars on well-being (3-5.2024)
Between March and May 2024, we organised 3 webinars supporting the youth worker’s well-being. The topics were: “Stress Management” (13.04.2024), “Emotional Self-Care” (11.04.2024) and “Positive Psychology Tools for Well-Being” (22.05.2024).

4. Training Course: “Mindful Youth Work: Cultivating Well-Being in Yourself and Others” (9-16.05.2024)
The second international training course which took place in Poznań, Poland. Key aspects: quality youth work, nonviolent communication, emotional and social intelligence, inclusion and diversity.

5. Follow-up local actions (3-9.2024)
Practising the learning moments in national teams, organising and running activities on a local level under our mentoring.

6. Publishing “My Well-Being Kit” (11.2024)
Reflection cards to support the inner peace and mental health of youth workers and the groups they work with. Scroll down for more details!

7. Dissemination (3-11.2024)
Spreading tangible project results (e.g. practices, workshop scenarios) and My Well-Being Kit across our countries and beyond, e.g. through an open webinar entitled “Creating Life Balance: A Journey with ‘My Well-Being Kit’’ on 25.11.2024.

8. Evaluation (11.2024)

Our training courses

“Empowering Youth Workers:
Building Resilience and Managing Stress”

22-29 February 2024
Poznań, Poland

At the training course, 30 youth workers, coordinators
and peace activists:

enlarged knowledge about mental health and well-being,
learned various tools and mechanisms for sustaining and boosting own and young people’s well-being and happiness,
exchanged ideas, good practices, inspirations, and shared resources,
planned follow-up actions to take place in their local communities upon the course completion.

“Mindful Youth Work: Cultivating Well-Being
Yourself and Others”

9-16 May 2024
Poznań, Poland

At the training course, 30 youth workers, coordinators and peace activists:
enlarged knowledge about mental health and well-being,
improved self-regulation and relationship management,
acquired conflict resolution skills,
exchanged ideas, good practices, inspirations, and shared resources,
planned follow-up actions for their local communities.

My Well-Being Kit

As a project result, in autumn 2024 we published pocket-size cards called “My Well-Being Kit”.
My Well-Being Kit is a tool for sustaining the daily individual and group well-being of youth workers, professionals, leaders, activists, educators and trainers, and everyone who works in the youth field. The Kit includes good practices and innovative ideas; and is suitable for both individual and group use. Each set consists of 40 double-sided cards, sized 8×12 cm, packed in a cotton bag. The online version of My Well-Being Kit is available for download here and to explore it in an interactive way here.
My Well-Being Kit was presented to the public during the Open Webinar in November 2024. The webinar, entitled “Creating Life Balance: A Journey with My Well-Being Kit”, attracted almost 200 participants from Europe and beyond.
The printed version of the Kit can be ordered here.


For our individual project participants:

  • increased self-awareness, motivation and self-confidence to provide quality youth work,
  • better understanding of contemporary challenges and how well-being can be sustained in such conditions,
  • improved competences and knowledge of specific tools to be used in regular work with young people.

We have prepared an overview of the follow-up activities of the training participants, check it out here.

For our partner organisations:

  • improved atmosphere and working environment,
  • increased capacity of the professionals in the organisations,
  • better quality of youth work provided to young people (online and offline).

For European youth work:

  • international opportunities for quality learning experiences on the topic of well-being and mental health through our webinars, training courses and the local follow-up activities,
  • better understanding of how to maintain well-being of the youth and the youth workers and activists,
  • strengthened quality of youth work.

The small steps which we took within our project bring the butterfly effect: the participants bring impact to the organisations and the young people they work with. Through them, they bring change to the local communities, with the plan to contribute to a better Europe.

Sustaining well-being starts first with a single individual, but the combined effect of single numerous efforts brings a change to a healthier world!

The Team

Gośka Tur

Gośka Tur

Project coordinator

Sociologist and educator, a certified member of the Polish Association of NGO Trainers. In the years 2015-2020 she was the International President of SCI.

Natalie Jivkova

Natalie Jivkova

Project coordinator

Facilitator, trainer and coach from Bulgaria. Leader of international educational projects on learning, peace and diversity. With SCI since 2002.

The Donor

Our project was co-funded by the European Union. We are very thankful for making our idea possible to realise thanks to this support!
Project number 2023-1-PL01-KA153-YOU-000148664