Empowering Youth Workers:
Building Resilience and Managing Stress




Training Course 

“Empowering Youth Workers: Building Resilience and Managing Stress”

for youth workers, peace activists, leaders, volunteers

We invite you to stop for a moment and dedicate time to your capacity and well-being as a youth worker, leader, peace activist and volunteer!

After the training course, participant know how to:
– enlarge their knowledge about mental health and well-being and which factors influence it;
– become more aware and able to use various tools and mechanisms for sustaining their own and young people’s well-being;
– gain knowledge and practical tools to deal with stress and uncertainties in the new reality;
– acquire skills to boost their own well-being and happiness;
– develop confidence to apply mindfulness in their daily work;
– exchange ideas, good practices, inspirations, and share resources;
– plan a follow-up action to take place in their local community upon the course completion.

Check out some photos!

For whom was the TC?

Our ideal course participants were youth workers, peace activists, leaders, coordinators and volunteers with an interest in the topic of well-being and its applications in their work within non-governmental organisations and with young people.

The most important for was their motivation and willingness to explore, learn, and apply the ideas in your daily professional work.


All the participants were awarded a training completion certificate, issued by SCI Poland, and additionally, received a Youthpass certificate.

The Donor

Our project is co-funded by the European Union. We are very thankful for making our idea possible to realise, thanks to this support!
Project number 2023-1-PL01-KA153-YOU-000148664

Stowarzyszenie Jeden Świat – SCI Poland
Adres: ul. Dmowskiego 35/5

60-222 Poznań

tel. +48 61 84 84 336   Konto bankowe: PLN – PL 93 1240 1747 1111 0000 1848 8294 EUR – PL 77 1240 1747 1978 0010 0331 1258 SWIFT: PKOPPL PW (Bank PEKAO S.A.) KRS: 0000019979  

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