An indelible imprint
Workcamp: New Energy. Monar Gaudynki
In my capacity as a camp coordinator at Monar Gaudynki, I had the privilege of acquiring a diverse array of insights that would have been unattainable through alternative means. Immersed within a community grappling with addiction, I gained invaluable exposure to their therapeutic journeys, fostering an understanding of their processes. The role also afforded me the opportunity to delve into the realms of team dynamics and effective problem-solving techniques, illuminating a novel vantage point of existence.
Moreover, the occasion of the camping lakeside provided me with my inaugural exposure to the outdoor camping lifestyle. Navigating culinary tasks, logistical management, and the acquisition of new skills became integral facets of this experience. In particular, engaging in outdoor pursuits such as kayaking emerged as a highlight, endowing me with a profoundly enriching encounter. Thus, my engagement as a camp coordinator with SCI Poland left an indelible imprint—a juncture where my education transcended the mundane and unveiled diverse perspectives on life.
The workcamp took place in 2023
Poland, Gaudynki
The story was written for us by Asad Madni